About Us
To enable decision-making, influencing and improving by children and young people in Horfield
To engage Horfield residents, particularly children, young people and families in improving their local area by finding out what people think about the Horfield area - what they like and what they would like to change, agreeing some area priorities and establishing local projects to make things better!
Sparked by the demise of the Neighbourhood Partnership in Spring 2017 and driven by a passion to involve children and young people in local decision making and influencing.
The first meeting was held with partners known through the Neighbourhood Partnership. This meeting identified groups that were not present and partners were asked to pass on information and to extend the invitation. In this way the project team gradually grew to include residents, community workers and local organisations including, schools, Housing Associations, volunteer groups (eg Parks Groups, Community Groups), Bristol Ageing Better, religious groups, the Leisure Centre, local Councillors, Police and the Neighbourhoods team from the Council. All local organisations, including health professionals, the local paper and representatives from large organisations like Southmead Hospital were invited to all meetings and kept updated by email.
There were 3 meetings (Sept, Oct and Dec) to organise the project up to the survey, one in February to feedback on the survey and start organising the conference, one in March to finalise the Schools Conference. These were all hosted by Orchard School. During the process the coordinating group branded themselves Love Horfield.
To help organise the Community Conference, invitations were extended to the Horfield email list, including those who had signed up through the survey. Three meetings were held, hosted by Filton Avenue Primary School (Lockleaze Road).
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Love Horfield is a group of residents and organisations who support local people including childrenand young people to influence, make decisions and do stuff to make Horfield an
EVEN BETTER place to live work, study and play!